26 June 2018

How to Pay for StarTimes

There are many way to Pay for StartTimes Subscription

Safaricom Subscribers – MPESA
1. Go to -> M-PESA on your phone
2. Select Pay Bill option
3. Enter Business no.585858
4. Enter your StarTimes Smartcard Number as the account number
5. Enter the Amount
6. Enter your M-PESA PIN and Send

Orange Subscribers – Orange Money
1. Go to -> Customer access Orange Money and select “Payments”.
2. Enter Star Times Media Business Number (585858).
3. Enter Bill Reference Number (Smartcard No.).
4. Input amount to be paid.
5. Confirm request and select send

1. Insert your ATM Card on ATM Machine and enter your PIN.
2. Select Bill Payment Option.
3. Select StarTimes.
4. Enter your Smartcard number and select correct. (Note: Smartcard number is the first 11 digits without space).
5. Enter the amount to pay

EZZAY 247 (Equity)
1. On your mobile dial *247#.
2. Enter your EZZAY 247 PIN.
3. Select Bill Payment Option (Option 5).
4. Select Other Bills (Option 2).
5. Enter your Equity bank account.
6. Enter StarTimes Business number – 585858.
7. Enter your smartcard number as the Reference number. (Note: Smartcard number is the first 11 digits without space).
8. Enter Amount.
9. Confirm Transaction.

Airtel Subscribers -Airtel Money
1. Select to Make Payments Option
2. Select Pay Bill
3. Select Others
4. Enter the Business name IPAY
5. Enter the total amount to send as directed by StarTimes
6. Enter your PIN
7. Enter your StarTimes Account Number (starting with ‘st’)as the reference number
8. For instance, if your Account number is 54321, then please enter st54321as the reference number
9. You will receive a transaction confirmation SMS from Airtel Money.
10. You will also receive a complimentary confirmation SMS from StarTimes

YU Subscribers -yuCash
1. Go to your yuCash Menu on your phone
2. Select Send Money Option
3. Enter 102020as the business number
4. Enter the total amount to send as directed by the merchant
5. Enter your StarTimes Account Number (starting with ‘st’)
6. e.g if your Account number is 54321, then please enter st54321as the message
7. Enter your PIN and then send
8. You will receive a transaction confirmation SMS from yuCash
9. You will also receive a complimentary confirmation SMS from StarTimes

Source : http://www.startimestv.com/problem.html